- To follow on twtitter it’s here
- Information on mobilisation at anticop21.org
- Programme of upcoming events
To send us information, write to anticop21-automedia [at] riseup.net or at paris-luttes-infos [at] riseup.net (both collectives add updates to the site).
To contact the Legal Team : +33(0) and cosomi [at] riseup.net
30 November 2015
- 9pm This evening, the police declared 317 people were in custody following yesterday’s demonstration at place de la République. The demonstrators’ support collective was able to keep up to date with about 95 of them thanks to information given by friends of the people in custody. The charge seems to be having continued to participate in a gathering despite the police warnings. None of the demonstrators recalls hearing any warning. Most people were released this afternoon, but nine people were detained. There were also at least five foreigners arrested who were sent directly to detention centres : two people following an identity check in the metro on Saturday and three following yesterday’s demo. Despite being legally present in the country, they are threatened with deportation and a ban on reentering France for breach of the peace. Two of them have now been released from the detention centre.
- 6pm According to the same source, 308 people have been freed and risk prosecution for « taking part in a banned demonstration. » According to Le Figaro, 9 people are still in custody.
- 6pm According to AFP, there were 341 arrests yesterday, with 317 people placed in custody.
29 November 2015
- 10:00 The arrested people are scattered throughout Paris. At least one car was sent to Bobigny TGI. For at least one person under custody the charge is « participation in an unauthorized demonstration ».
- 7:45 Almost everybody was released at Republique, after palpation but without identify control. Some people have still been sorted and taken.
- 7:15 According to the Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve, there were 208 arrests and 174 custodies were delivered.
- 6:50 Solidarity call in front of the police station of Evangile (32 rue de l’Évangile, Paris 18e, métro Marx Dormoy). There would be, in total, more than 170 arrests.
- 6:49 At Place de la République, 150 people are still in the cops keattle. Cops have taken a lot of people at the beginning, now they’re waiting for new orders. The situation is in stand by. From last news, camarades in police trucks are now released befor ID controle. A call for support is launched at the police station of rue de l’Evangile.
- 5:00 PM : Cops are controlling people at Barbès (18th district), where someone have been arrested in a kebab restaurant. Other demonstrators are taking to the police station in the 8th district. 150 people are still in the cops kettle at Place de la République. The slogan is « The climat, we don’t give up ! »
- 4:40 PM : At Square de la République, 200 people are still in the cops kettle. At the same time, it seems that cops are launching grenades and are arresting demonstrators.
- 4:15 PM : Police Pefecture announce on France-Info that since the beginning of the demonstration 50 demonstrators have been arrested. Other arrests are still going on. At least an other police truck with demonstrators inside are ready to leave on rue Faubourg du Temple. Those who are outside the police control still support the camarades. At least 100 pesons have been taken by cops.
- 3:45 PM : Cops are now surrounding people on two points of the square, on Faubourg du Temple and boulevard Magenta. Around 100 persons try to start an unauthorized demonstration.
- 3:30 PM : Those out the square are gathering together behind the frontline of cops and denounce « Fascist State, Police State ».
- 3:25 PM : Cops are surrounding in 3 points at the same time. Someone can still leave the square but they control all bags. They can let all people leave the square.
- 3:05 PM : 100 cops are charging people in the square, on the side of Avenue de la République. At the same time, cops are attacking people on the other side of the square. About 1000 people are still in the square.
- 2:40 PM : it’s gazing on the right half of the square.
- 2:30 PM : Confrontations rue du Temple/rue de Turbigo, cops launch tear gas on demonstrators.
- 2:15 PM : people flows back in Place de la République, others lay down on the floor (10-15 persons) just in front of cops. Impossible to leave Place de la République.
- 2:00 PM : confrontations start. 2 grenades are launched by the cops.
- 1:10PM : the human chain is finished. Participants are going to République square. The avenue de la République seems to be the only opened way.
- 1:05PM : 2 thousand people in Place de la République. 3 major routes closed (Faubourg du temple, boulevard du temple, boulevard Voltaire)
- 1:00PM : cops have close the street Boulevard du temple. They let people coming by this way but they don’t let people exit.
- 12:50AM : Some slogans : « if we walk, it will not work ». 20 to 30 cops trucks in the adjacent streets.
- 12:30 AM : police checking in the subway at République.
- 12:00AM : hundreds people in Place de la République
Despite the ban, thousands of people demonstrate in Paris against the COP21
Over 200 people arrested and detained, this is how french government cares about freedom of speech.

28 November 2015
- The banquet is finished with no problems. Assembly tonight at CICP at 7.30pm.
- A collective of artists, Brandalism transformed about 600 addvertisings around Paris to denounce the mascarade of COP21. Here you can see the video.
« State of Emergency »
- About 400 people at the banned march in Rennes.
- 3:30PM : Speeches in progress while many people are joining the rally. People gathered here are calling to a general assembly this evening at 6PM in front of the University Paris 7 (5 rue Thomas Mann, subway 14, station Bibliothèque François Mittérand)
Banquet of Zad in front of the castel, 28 nevember 2015 Versailles
- 2:30PM : Almost 500 people at last arrived in Versailles ! Others from other parts of Paris region are on their way.
Banquet tables are set up, the trucks from our comrads are taking place in front of the Castle of Versailles . Atmosphere is quiet for now.Banquet of Zad in front of the castel, 28 nevember 2015 VersaillesFriends unfold two banners : « Keep the Bourget [the city where the COP21 takes place), we take Versailles » and « If we live, we live for walking on the head of kings ! »
Let the banquet starts !Banquet of Zad in front of the castel, 28 nevember 2015 Versailles - 12:30 a.m. : The convoys just arrived in Versailles. Meeting point at Potagers du roi to accompagn to go with them as far as Place des Armes. To understand the stakes of these convoys, read this interview (in french).

- 11 a.m. : The convoys are in Verrières, at some kilometers of Versailles, and 15km of Paris. Convoys will arrive in Versailles at 1:00PM.
Close to Versailles : « Horn against State of emergency »
- 11 a.m. : a compilation of informations about the 24 house arrests since Thursday on Lundi Matin website (in french)
- 9.15 a.m. : the tractor-cycles convoy from Notre Dames des Land (ZAD), will meet thousands people convoys from Agen (South-west), Dijon and Bure (East) and Forcalquier (South-East) at 2:00 PM in Versailles for a great banquet of territories and ZAD in struggle.

27 November 2015
- 6.15 p.m. : The general assembly at the CICP ended.Many people present.
- 4.30 p.m. : House arrests of activists throughout France as part of anti-COP21 repression. At the moment house arrests have been confirmed in : Paris (2 people, including one member of the legal team) and Rennes (6 people). Attempted house arrets occured (too bad for the cops, their victims weren’t at home) in Rouen (2 people + one who has been forbidden from entering Ile-de-France) and Lyon (1 person.). Account from a Parisian under house arrest. In Rennes, press release here police forced entry to 6 different houses. They were armed with guns and pinned people to the ground.
- 4p.m. : the convoy reaches its next stage convois in the village of Emancé (Yvelines).
- 2 p.m. : The general assembly initially planned at Paris 7 will take place at 4p.m. at the CICP rue Voltaire (metro rue des Boulets or Nation).
- 1.30 p.m. : : Paris police ask people living in Île-de-France not to take public transport on Sunday and Monday. You are warmly invited to stay at home and wave a blue, white and red flag in front of your TV.
- 1 p.m. : : Paris police announce the closure of the A1 and A6 motorways and of the Paris ring road (west section) on Sunday 29 and Monday 30 November. Within Paris, between the place de la Concorde and la porte d’Asnières via place de la Madeleine and boulevard Malesherbes, all traffic will also be blocked. People are asked to postpone their trips or to take public transport, which will be free for the two days starting from 12 noon on Sunday.
- 1 p.m. : House seach underway at the « l’Annexe » in Pré-Saint-Gervais. Anti-COP21 general assemblies have taken place here for the past few months. Cops blocked off the whole neighbourhood and said they were looking for Black Bloc. Are they really trying to not understand or is the police already building a means of justifying repression to the media ? An account of unbelievable police repression.
- 12.10p.m. : Information and testimonies about questions asked during convocations following the banned demonstration on Sunday.
- 11.30a.m. : repression also underway in Indre et Loire. House searches have also taken place in Rennes and Rouen as part of the COP21.
- 11.20p.m. : house search at l’Annexe, a squat in Pré St Gervais. Anti-COP21 general assemblies have taken place here for the past few months.
- 11 a.m. : : for the moment the convoys have upheld the convergence at Saclay.
Thursday 26th November :
- 11p.m. : Paris 7 university has announced that they will be closed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday in order to prevent an occupation Le Parisien. Message received from the organisers of the discussion week Même pas COP whose last events should have taken place tomorrow in Paris 7 :
« Following the university’s ban on the last day of the event Même pas COP and the cancellation of classes at the university on Friday and Saturday, we are organising lunch at Quilombo at 11p.m. and a general assembly at 4p.m. at the CICP (metro rue des Boulets, 23 et 21 rue Voltaire. Come and bring all your friends ! »
- 10p.m. : a second person has put under house arrest. The person is part of the legal team and will have to report to the local police station several times a day.
- 7.30p.m. : the only good news today : a person who was summoned immediately today following Sunday’s demonstration asked for an adjournment. The trial will take place on 6th January. The person is not under legal supervision.
- 6.30p.m. : several hundred people gathered at place de la République for the demonstration against the ban on demonstrations. About 500 people.
- 4.30p.m. : the person who was summoned immediately has not yet heard from the police.
- 4p.m. : at « Le Moulin », a squat in Ivry, police informed one of the people living in the squat that they were under house arrest. They cannot leave the town without authorisation and must report to Ivry police station several times a day until 12th Decembre. They must stay at home from 8 p.m. to 6 p.m. This is a first in the history of the struggle against the COP21.
- 2.30p.m. : cops called at « le Moulin » a squat in Ivry.
- Following the demo on Sunday 22nd November, a comrade has been summoned immediately at 1.30p.m. in the 23rd room of the Tribunal de Paris. Spread the word !
- High school students attempted to block their school and police responded with tear gas and clubs. Don’t give in to the state of emergency, against the COP 21 and its world, meet at Nation at 11a.m. Spread the word.
- A house search is underway in "le Massicot" squat in Ivry. Plain-clothes policemen came, accompanied by 5 police vans. This search is part of widespread repression of squats in Val de Marne. Two people were questioned. On person was arrested during the search at the Massicot this morning. We do not know where the person is being held, nor if they are being held in custody. The police are providing no information because of the ’state of emergency’.
Wednesday 25th November :
- At least two people are being held in custody at Riquet police station linked with Sunday’s demonstration.
- At Bourdon police station cops are arresting people for identity checks, just outside the police station.)]
Legal Team : contact antiCOP21 :
About the state of emergency :