Ecologie - Nucléaire

Cop21 (it)

Racconto a più mani della giornata contro la COP21 a Parigi il 29 Novembre 2015

Arriviamo a mezzogiorno a place de la République e nulla fa presagire la svolta che prenderà questa manifestazione dopo qualche ora. Non ci sono tante persone, ognuno vaga dietro alle sue cose : alcuni ammassano le scarpe che simboleggiavano la marcia interdetta giorni prima, altri partono verso la catena umana, altri ancora bevono del thè o mangiano qualcosa. Qualche militante si raggruppa intorno ad uno striscione tenuto dagli organizzatori libertari che cominciano ad alzare la voce.

Infos locales

Tous à l’action de masse au Grand Palais

Vendredi 4 décembre à 12h00 Une journée avant que l'exposition "Solutions COP21" parrainée par des multinationales n'ouvre ses portes au public ! A l'expo "Solutions COP21" des entreprises coupables de crimes climatiques, telles que Engie (anc. GDF Suez), Renault Nissan ou Avril Sofiproteol se présentent comme faisant partie de la solution, tout en maintenant leur projet destructeur. Mais nous ne laisserons pas faire ces projets qui menacent nos vies et la planète - ensemble nous disons clairement : « vous ne faites pas partie de la solution »

Cop21 (en)

Live updates on anti-COP21 mobilisation : from 1st to 6th December

Since the start of the week repression against anti-COP mobilisation has intensified. Following arbitray summons and house arrests across France, the police have been organising raids in the street and the metro, arresting people who look like 'ZADistes'. But in spite of these attempts at intimidation, the mobilisation continues. In this article you will find updates from the first week of December. Next meeting of the mobilisation on monday at 7h30 p.m., « l’Annexe », 35 rue Baudin, Pré-st-Gervais, M° Hoche In brief : 15:40 : All the people that attended the event at the « Grand Palais » have been evacuated. An activist climbed on a lamp to hang up a banner « no peace without climate justice » but the moutain cops came to arrest him. The street in front of the building is closed and police patrols (in civilains, without even an armband) are walking in the neighborhood and control people that could have participated to the action. For now we know that at least 40 people have been put aside and surronuded by the police. 12:40 PM : Controls are severe at the entrance of the « Grand Palais ». People are being filtered by criteria that semms to be : age, gender and style. If you are a guy of less than 30 years old with a casual look, you will probably stay outside. The programme for upcoming mobilisations Call-out to join unemployment demo on Saturday 5th December in order to protest against repression and move forward. The COP21 will be people-based or nothing ! Pas d'AG ce soir à l'annexe 11h : Lors des comparutions immédiates d'hier, deux camarades ont été condamné-es à 8 et 4 mois de prison avec sursis. Live updates in french.

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