Ecologie - Nucléaire

Cop21 (en)

Live updates about anti-COP mobilisation

The mobilisation against the COP 21 is now going strong. Police repression has been severe since before the beginning of the conference->4281]. In this article, we are gathering and spreading information each day as it happens. In brief : Early this afternoon, 4,000- 5,000 people gathered at Place de la République, which was entirely blocked off by the police. A demonstration started moving up avenue de la République in spite of the ban and the police presence. The cops blocked the demo further along the avenue, using batons, tear gas and grenades against the demonstrators. Confrontations then took place on the avenue and the place de la République. After blocking all access routes to the square, the police continued to charge at demonstrators. Confrontations and attempts to re-start the demonstration continued. Currently, more than a hundred arrests have been confirmed.10:00 The arrested people are scattered throughout Paris. At least one car was sent to Bobigny TGI. For at least one person under custody the indictment is « participation in an unauthorized demonstration ». All the updates

Infos locales

Semaine contre la COP21 à Paris 7 : cantine et AG déplacées au CICP suite à la fermeture de la fac

Suite à la fermeture de l'université Paris 7 ce vendredi 27 et samedi 28 novembre, pour empêcher l'organisation des mobilisations autour la COP21, les activités de vendredi sont déplacées au CICP (21 ter, rue Voltaire - et non Boulevard Voltaire - Métro Rue-des-Boulets ou Nation) : cantine prix libre à partir de midi AG de lutte à 16h pour continuer à s'organiser malgré la répression, contre l'état d'urgence et autour de la COP21, de l'arrivée des convois des ZAD, etc.

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