Infos points in Paris - Greeting of the internationals people

Three info points are install from the 30rd of November in Paris to greet and guide foreigners and french people who don’t know where to sleep, where to eat nor where to gather other activists.

If you have no network or connexion in Paris and you’re looking for some informations about place to sleep, collective kitchens, documents of the legal team and the differents time of gathering and actions, you can join the following places :

  • La Commune Libre d’Aligre, 3 rue d’Aligre in the 12th arrondissement (metro Ledru-Rollin, ligne 8). From Tuesday to Saturday, 11am to 7 pm.
  • - La Petite Rockette, in it’s « café associatif » La Trockette (125 rue du Chemin vert, métro Père Lachaise, ligne 2). From Tuesday to Saturday, 4 pm to 10pm.
    The last place is indicated on

The logistic commission.